• To be passionate, To care, To promote, and To have honor & Respect
  • To care for one another as a Viñas Arnis family
  • To respect each other, to be open, honest, & fair through clear and transparent communication
  • To stay positive and to reduce negativity with anything around the organization of the Viñas system
  • To be professional at all times when associated with Viñas Arnis
  • To be accepting of each other and our differences, and to not judge each other to create tension or harm towards each other
  • To openly communicate your concerns with any other members, be positive and constructive, attempt to control any negative emotions and their influence
  • To help each other become better FMA practitioners, and instructors
  • To not provoke, criticize, or attack other systems verbally but rather invigorate FMA practitioners
  • To resist and prevent drama