Grandmaster Nonong shares some history and other information about Viñas Arnis this past March at the Phoenix Monthly Share.
GM Nonong in Phoenix FMA Monthly Share
March 22, 2015; “The monthly share started off with Grandmaster Nonong Viñas discussing a little history about Viñas Arnis, such as the fact that the system was originally based on the bolo. He discussed other Arnisadors/Escrimadors that have interacted with him and his father Grandmaster Jose Viñas since 1932. He also showed pictures of some of these individuals, after this Grandmaster Nonong showed some different techniques including: crossada, some saber techniques, and Viñas Arnis basic entry to its number 1 disarm. The participants were then asked to try
one of the saber techniques and the number 1 disarm with Russel T Mackler helping the participants so they could understand the techniques in more depth. Grandmaster Nonong then went around to different individuals discussing counters and re-counters based on their movements with the different techniques being shown.”; (FMA Informative, issue #208, Dec 25th, 2015)